Too many boys are being held hostage by a culture denying their uniqueness and defining their masculine strengths as both toxic and "harmful." America is at risk of losing a generation of boys because they've been stripped of their identity. The most noble virtues of manhood: judging righteously, standing by faith, defending the cause of the weak and the fatherless, upholding the rights of the afflicted and oppressed, and rescuing the weak and needy, are being sacrificed on the altar of political correctness.
Trail Life has launched the Campaign to Rescue America's Boys to secure a better future for America's Boys. You can join us by Starting a Troop at your church, volunteering with a local Troop, Donating to the mission, or volunteering as a Troop planter in your community.
You can make a difference! Join the mission, and together we will Rescue America's Boys!

Why should I donate?
Your prayers and financial support for this mission-critical campaign will help transform the lives of thousands of boys, placing them on a new life trajectory to become godly and responsible husbands, fathers, and citizens.
Where do my dollars go?
We invest about $4,000 per Troop to engage the Charter Organization, recruit leaders, provide training and materials, and deliver cutting-edge digital management tools and child safety and youth protection policies and guidelines.
What does my money accomplish?
With your help, we can give boys and men a place to experience adventure and purpose while witnessing biblical masculinity in action. Our 10-year target goal is to have a Trail Life Troop within 30 miles of 90% of young men in America by 2031.
Can I send a check?
Yes! Please mail your generous donation to:
Trail Life USA
10612 Augusta Rd
Belton, SC 29627
Audited 2024 Financial Statements

In the outdoors, as boys and men hike, camp, canoe, solve problems, and develop skills, mentors are found, fathers and sons connect, purpose is discovered, and boys encounter the unchanging biblical foundations upon which leadership and character are built.
Trail Life USA delivers a Proven Process that GUARANTEES that boys will be shaped into godly men.

Every boy in America should have access to a local Trail Life Troop. The Campaign to Rescue America's Boys is an all-out effort to establish a Trail Life USA Troop within 30 miles of 90% of US homes with boys by the year 2031.