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Clint Walker TX-0110 Father Son

Trail Life USA is a Church-Based, Christ-Centered, Boy-Focused discipleship journey that speaks to the heart of a boy. Gathering weekly in a Troop setting, boys engage with male mentors who challenge them to grow in character, serve their community, and develop practical leadership skills on a weekly basis.

You can invest in the lives of boys and make a difference!


The $99 Trail Life USA Troop Starter Kit Includes essential materials to familiarize yourself with with the program and share it with others.

After you order your Starter Kit, you will be connected with a local Troop chartering expert and receive intentional emails to walk you through the chartering process.

Ready to take Action?
Take the first step to transforming the lives of boys in your community by ordering your Trail Life Starter Kit Today!


The Starter Kit Includes:

  • Woodlands Trail Handbook
  • Navigators & Adventurers Handbook
  • Parent & Leader Guide
  • Annual Planning Guides (5 Volume Set)
  • Tri-fold Brochure
  • Core Values Flyer
  • The Trail Life USA Proven Process
  • Pastor Flyer
  • Periodic Table of Ranks Poster
  • Sample Pack of Tracking Cards (9)
  • Sample Advancement Badge
  • Sample Trail Badge Medallion
  • Sample Elective Trail Badge
  • Trail Life USA Cap and more!!!

Bonus: If you charter the Troop within 90 days of completing the Pre-Charter Application, you receive a $50 Gift Card in the Trail Life Store!

Have a Few Questions Before Ordering the Starter Kit?

Fill out the form below to talk with a Trail Life Troop Chartering Expert in your area!

Over 50,000 Trailmen in 1,000 Troops and Growing!

Trail Life is Where Boys Thrive!

Adults are equipped to lead a program in a structured outdoor environment where boys are engaged in real-world challenge and experience camping, hiking, and fishing; they develop skills in riflery, archery, and canoeing; and learn character and leadership in a practical hands-on manner that is naturally engaging.

In the outdoors, boys naturally look to emulate men and the experience of adults is never obsolete. Boys find mentors, fathers and sons connect, important relationships are fostered, and boys find opportunity to achieve significant accomplishment.

Trail Life is a Christ-centered, boy-focused outdoor adventure program empowering the church to grow boys to become men of character and conviction.

Engage Men...

Build Boys...

Strengthen Families...

Trail Life USA is a great outdoor adventure program for boys and young men.

Dr. James Dobson
Psychologist & Author,
Host of Family Talk, Founder of Focus on the Family

I love what Trail Life is doing! Churches need to realize this is how men do relationship.

Ken Harrison
Promise Keepers

Trail Life USA is a phenomenal scouting alternative... I strongly recommend you check them out.

Jim Daly
Focus on the Family

Trail Life USA will be transformative for millions of young men over coming generations.

Mike Huckabee
Minister, Commentator, Former Governor of Arkansas

Trail Life USA is a great Christian organization that helps develop character and leadership in boys and young men.

Franklin Graham
Samaritan's Purse

We believe in the vision of Trail Life USA. We are thrilled that you're helping to disciple the next generations.

Alex & Stephen Kendrick
Creators of Overcomer, Fireproof, Courageous, and #1 box office hit, War Room

We need Trail Life USA in every community in America. There is nothing like it. If you care about boys, start a Trail Life Troop!

Eric Metaxas
Radio Host and Best-Selling Author

Trail Life USA is the perfect bookend to the AHG ministry. Raising boys to become men that walk worthy of God’s calling gives hope to our nation.

Patti Garibay
Founder & Executive Director of American Heritage Girls